Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Lomandra Mist

Released in 2011, Mist is a low growing form of Lomandra confertifolia ssp. rubiginosa with very fine, blue-grey-green, weeping foliage and a tufted habit. In Summer, beautifully fragranced, small, golden-yellow flowers emerge from purple buds, providing a stunning visual effect against the fine foliage.

Mist originated from Lomandra Grey Cascade and has taken Ian Shimmen ten years to perfect. It is more vigorous in habit than Lomandra Grey Cascade, allowing Mist to tolerate more severe conditions than its ‘parent’ plant species.

 Mist requires very low maintenance and is extremely hardy, tolerating moderate frost and dry conditions, such as periods of drought. Its small size of 0.3 - 0.5 metres high and wide make it the perfect plant for low profile plantings such as urban streetscapes, and its stunning visual effects make it an ideal feature plant or border plant. Mist also requires no pruning or maintenance, making it an even more attractive choice for areas with these requirements. As Mist requires little water once established, it is also perfect for understorey plantings. Mist can also be mass planted for erosion control.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I am definitely buying some of these...I can seem mass planted on my nature strip in fact
